Valentine’s Day 2023


As the Heart of the City Foundation, it’s only natural that we would want to say something on Valentine’s Day, which for many all around the world, is a day dedicated to the celebration of love. Our mission is to foster a culture of love—of Jesus Christ’s love—in our church, city, and world. 

Valentine’s Day has a fascinating history, full of history as well as legend.* It was once celebrated with a feast in honor of several Valentines—Saint Valentine of Rome, Saint Valentine of Terni, and Saint Valentine—as early as the 8th century and possibly earlier. The reality of what happened is intertwined with the legend, and it’s the truth of the spirit of his life that we hold onto still today. 

In the third century, tradition believes that the Roman Empire martyred Saint Valentine of Rome for his ministering to persecuted Christians. An early tradition says that, while Saint Valentine was in jail, he healed the blind daughter of his jailer, restoring her sight. Another tradition says that after he healed her, he wrote a letter to her as a farewell before his execution, signing it “From Your Valentine.”

Another tradition believes that Saint Valentine performed marriages for soldiers who’d been banned from marrying by the emperor, who desired they focus solely on their military duties. 

Regardless of what truly happened, it’s clear that the memory of this man is one of love, one of caring for others, one of advocating for others, one of vulnerability and strength. We see in him the love of Jesus Christ—sacrificial, faithful, resilient, encouraging, beautiful. 

Now we celebrate this day dedicated to Saint Valentine by decorating heart-shaped cookies together in glistening reds and pinks, enjoying a feast of confectioners sugar; writing each other thoughtful greeting cards, as he wrote his letter to his jailer’s daughter; giving each other flowers and chocolates; and simply letting the special people in our lives know that we love them. 

We honor our relationships.

Today we want to honor our relationship with you, too. Whether you’re a donor, a board member, a staff member of First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, an elder, a beneficiary, a friend of Heart of the City Foundation, whatever your relationship is with us, we are so grateful for you. And we delight in the love you share with others. 

At the Heart of the City Foundation, we carry the spirit of this day in our everyday work, uplifting love, pouring love into others, leaving a legacy of love that reaches far beyond our church and city, far beyond our earthly lives. Through your generosity, you share the faith, hope, and love of Jesus Christ with others. You expand the kingdom of God. Happy Valentine’s Day!



7 Questions about Love to Ask Yourself This Lent


No Longer a Narrative of Scarcity, but of Abundance