Christmas Gala 2023
What a fabulous night of celebration and fellowship! We so enjoyed seeing everyone who was able to make it. We also loved reflecting on the birth of Jesus Christ together, particularly on the experience and role of the shepherds in the nativity story, and what it looks like for us to be more like them.
It was a delight to hear from all of our generous speakers—Anna Wilson (former Orlando Heart of the City Fellows fellow), Tom Williams (Executive Director of Came to Believe), and Janice Divine (fund sponsor & donor). Anna helped us to understand the impact we make when we invest in our young people. Tom humbled us with his vulnerability, making us even more aware of some of the challenges we as humans can face, and of how we can help others. Janice inspired us to make the leap, to give wholeheartedly, and to do so as soon as we’re able.
We also enjoyed lifting all of our voices up in singing “The First Noël” and “Silent Night” with Karen Roberts. And of course, we were so grateful to our emcee for the evening, Paul Gibson, as he guided us through the program.
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us!

The Shepherds
They conquered wolves, they fought off lions. They dove into dangerous waters and stretched their bodies into crags, all to rescue one of their flock. They sweated under the sun with them, they slept under the stars with them. They ate their olives and onions, their cucumbers, lentils, and pomegranate seeds, grazing alongside their sheep, guiding them all over the countryside. Every breath was devoted to protecting their most vulnerable, to offering their most valuable.
No one but God truly knows why, on the night Jesus Christ was born, the shepherds were chosen to be the first to witness his divinely human existence. But when the angels appeared in their amazing declaration and praise, the shepherds had been tested true and trustworthy by time, poignantly understanding the tender nature of the relationship between power and life, willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of protecting the good given to them.
Freely, fully, they rejoiced at the news of Jesus Christ’s birth, racing to meet their savior face-to-face. They had little to offer, yet offered riches in gentleness, devotion, and joy. And afterwards, their voices uplifted the truth to everyone they met, that a new era of love and freedom was at its beginning. The fruition of their waiting had finally come. The humble shepherds, who had been faithful with little, were given the greatest delight—to be the first to share the good news of salvation with all.
We have the opportunity to share this good news as the shepherds did, with enthusiasm, with faithfulness. We have the chance to champion God’s message of love and hope, pouring our little and our lavish into our church, city, and world. To protect and provide for the vulnerable. To empower and believe in the young. To encourage a spirit of generosity, making it possible to share the faith, hope, and love of Jesus Christ with all.