Our Foundation Update

February 2023

Granted Funds This Fiscal Year To Date

Total - $154,593

Funded 6th year of fellows

Helped fund 2nd year of fellows

Bolstered Senior Ministry Fund & Compassion Corner

Supported expansion of third clinic in Kissimmee

Gifted a Water Filter to an Orphanage in the Ivory Coast

Supported girls’ basketball academy & Funded Cultural Drums Initiative

Funded Identification Service Day

Supported a Nextgen Fellow

Provided adoptive & foster couples scholarship to marriage retreat

Expanded space for expectant & postpartum mother to have a safe & Stable home

Provided Scholarship for High School Boys to BAsketball Camp

Holy Land Experience 2023

We are delighted to be cosponsoring a trip to Israel alongside Lifework Leadership

Of the 26 travelers, 22 will be Covenant Partners of FPCO

Trip Dates: May 22 - June 1

“What joy for those whose strength from the LORD, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem.”

~ Psalm 84:5 NLT


OUr Budget

We are currently -9% off budget due to lower income than expected this January

Scholarship Season

Our scholarship application is officially open & we are excited to invest in Christian culture through supporting these students

We will celebrate our seniors and scholarship recipients May 11, 2023

Grant Total for 2023-2024
