Kendra Chose Life
On March 25, 2021, Maria was born. Thank you to our donors for helping to encourage Kendra to give life to her precious daughter!
Kendra was distraught when she realized she had missed her period. And the at-home pregnancy test confirmed her fears. She knew her boyfriend of three years didn’t want to have children, and she already had a seven-year-old daughter from a previous marriage. Panicked, she immediately made an appointment to get an abortion.
On the day of the appointment, however, she felt frightened, flashing back to an abortion she’d had a decade ago. Painful memories flooded her mind. She couldn’t fathom getting the abortion, but neither could she fathom telling her boyfriend she was pregnant. At the last minute, she canceled the abortion.
Kendra was scared. She felt so alone.
Then she stumbled upon CHOICES Women’s Clinic, a clinic supported by the Heart of the City Foundation that serves women and families as they journey through pregnancy. She made an appointment.
During her appointment with CHOICES, Kendra was able to share her fears about sharing her secret with her boyfriend and family. She was able to talk about the traumatic experience of her previous abortion with someone she felt she could trust. And through that trust, she was able to listen and hear as the CHOICES staff spoke truth into her.
The truth resonated with Kendra—the reality of fetal development, the honesty about abortion procedures and risks, the truth of the gospel, that creating and nurturing life is of the glory of God. And when she saw her seven-week-old unborn baby on ultrasound, she knew she only had one choice: life.
Before she left the clinic, the CHOICES staff prayed with her, and they say that they could tangibly feel God working in her heart and in her circumstance. Within a few weeks, she felt the courage to share the news with her boyfriend and her family. Her family was thrilled, especially her daughter! And her boyfriend trusted her choice. When her friends found out, they excitedly threw her a shower.
Now precious baby Maria is six months old. And Kendra is so happy and honored to be her mother.
Vicky Mathews, Executive Director of CHOICES, says to the donors of the Heart of the City Foundation: “This is what YOU do each day at CHOICES. You sow life; you invest in stories; you believe every appointment is a divine appointment to share the love of Jesus and His hope and truth. Thank you for being a champion for life. It is for this we press on, running with endurance the race set before us.”
“Thank you for your passion and loving well,” Vicky says, “so that more Kendras will choose truth and more Marias will be born to make this world a better place!”
*Names changed for privacy.