Anxious to Excited—Zoe’s Story

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Zoe is a Heart of the City Foundation scholar and sophomore recently accepted to the University of Central Florida, passionate about elementary education.

Before she received a scholarship from HOCF, she was feeling anxious and stressed about the upcoming year. Not only was Zoe nervous about her finances, she was no longer confident that an education in elementary education would be meaningful in the current coronavirus-stricken culture. She was full of doubt and uncertainty. 

Then Zoe was able to receive a special scholarship. Now she feels so much more prepared for the upcoming school year. She feels like receiving the scholarship was a confirmation that education is the right path for her and that being a teacher is meaningful, even in the midst of the pandemic. 

Zoe is so excited to become a teacher again.

She says, “I want to show kids the spiritual blessing of the Holy Spirit, the characteristics of Christ like kindness, compassion, patience, love, and strength. I feel that one too many times kids are treated as though they are just mini adults, which is not the truth at all.

“I want to help them grow and acknowledge their dreams and feelings. Children are the most important part of our society. They are the future!” 

We are excited to encourage and support Zoe and our other HOCF scholars as they start their fall semester and go out into their communities to share the love of Jesus Christ with others. 


Getting Grounded with the Orlando Fellows